Mike Emrani LA Personal Injury Attorney

Auto Accident Injury Attorney

The road can be a dangerous place to navigate and unfortunately, sometimes accidents happen through carelessness or poor decisions. Me Lawyers can help you too.

Slip and Fall
Motor Vehicle Collision
T-Bone Accident
Passenger Rideshare
Rear End

California Auto Accident Injury Attorneys

The road can be a dangerous place to navigate and unfortunately sometimes accidents happen through carelessness or poor decisions. Me Lawyers can help you to understand your rights, determine all liable parties, and expectations for compensation so you can recover the value of your property and move forward with healing and recovery. For more detail on the specifics covered by this service, see below.

What is covered?

Whether you’re a cyclist, rideshare driver, commercial driver, motorcyclist or an everyday passenger and road user, on the job or commuting, we can help you fight for proper compensation to cover all costs involved. Reach out for a free consultation to discuss your specific claim.

Common Reasons for Car Accidents and the Injuries They Cause

Traffic accidents are becoming increasingly common in Los Angeles. Throughout the first half of 2021, studies indicated that almost every category of accidents tracked by the Los Angeles Police Department had seen an increase compared to the first half of 2020. Car accidents can occur for just about any reason, though some common causes make it more likely a driver will be involved in a crash. When a crash does happen, severe injuries can result.

Distracted Driving

The leading cause of car accidents today is distracted driving. This doesn’t mean just texting while driving, though that is certainly on the list. Distracted driving can also be caused by playing games or browsing the web while driving, eating, drinking, changing the radio station, talking to others, and a variety of other things many people do while driving without thinking about it. Anything that takes the attention of the driver away from the road, even if it’s only for a second, is distracted driving and can lead to an accident.


The faster someone drives, the more time they need to respond to any changes in the road ahead. It takes longer to slow down for a turn, it’s more difficult to swerve to avoid anything in the road, and it’s going to take longer to stop the vehicle. Speeding contributes to a high number of accidents each year simply because drivers are going too fast to be able to respond to what’s happening on the road around them.

Drunk Driving

Despite national and local campaigns to discourage driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, it does still happen with alarming frequency. When someone is under the influence, they cannot react as quickly to what’s happening on the road and may not be able to see what is going on around them until it’s too late. The delayed reaction coupled with swerving and driving erratically leads to a high potential for causing an accident.



When the weather is poor, it’s important to understand the impact that has on the roads and what it means for drivers. When it starts raining, the oils on the road are brought to the surface, making the roads slippery. The rain itself makes it more difficult for vehicles to gain traction, especially if there is a significant amount of water on the roads. During adverse weather, if driving is necessary, drivers must slow down and drive more carefully; otherwise, an accident is possible.

Running Lights or Stop Signs

When the light turns green, most people start driving. Someone who runs a red light, especially after it has been red for a while, significantly increases the potential of running into those who have the green light. When this happens, the accident can be devastating. Running stop signs can lead to accidents as well, as most people don’t expect someone to drive through the stop sign without stopping and looking for oncoming traffic.

Night Driving

Visibility is reduced at night, which makes it harder to see potential obstacles in the road. This increases the potential for accidents for a wide variety of reasons, from hitting wildlife or something left in the road to hitting vehicles that do not have their lights on and are difficult to see before it’s too late. Add rain onto the night view and the potential for an accident increases further.

Improper Turns

There are plenty of turn signal jokes, but the reality is, they are installed on vehicles for a reason. It is easier to drive safely when drivers are predictable. Using a turn signal lets other drivers know the vehicle is going to be switching lanes or turning, so there aren’t any surprises. Failing to use the turn signal to turn or to get into another lane could end up causing an accident, as the other drivers simply expect the vehicle to continue going straight when there is no indication otherwise.


Vehicles need time to stop. The faster a vehicle is going, the more time it needs to stop. When a driver is too close to the driver in front of them and the driver in front slams on their brakes, the driver in the back is likely not going to be able to stop in time to avoid an accident. Tailgating is a leading cause of car accidents and in the majority of cases, the vehicle in the back will be liable for the accident since they did not leave sufficient room to stop.

Tire Blowouts

When a tire goes flat, it feels bumpy to drive and it’s necessary to pull over immediately to replace it with the spare or call for help. When a tire blows, however, there may be little to no warning, and control over the vehicle can be far more difficult, especially if this happens at high speeds. After a tire blowout, the loss of control or the act of getting across multiple lanes to pull off the road can cause an accident.


Wildlife as well as dogs and cats will cross the road when they need to, and this can end up causing an accident. Drivers may hit the brakes or swerve to avoid the animal, which can cause them to hit another vehicle or drive off the road. If an animal is hit, especially a larger animal, the driver could end up causing an accident because they can’t see in front of them as they try to pull off the road. Always drive carefully in areas where wildlife may cross the road to reduce the chance of hitting something and damaging the vehicle or causing an accident.

Road Rage

Road rage is another common reason for car accidents to occur. When someone is driving aggressively, it’s better to simply pull over and let them pass. Otherwise, drivers may use their vehicle as a weapon to force other drivers off the road or take it a step further and attack other drivers who do pull over. If there is an accident due to road rage, stay in the vehicle with the doors and windows locked and call for help.

Injuries Caused by Car Accidents

Injuries in car accidents vary based on the severity of the accident. Minor accidents can result in cuts and bruises, but they can lead to burns, back and neck injuries, broken bones, and more. Severe car accidents can lead to traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, permanent disabilities, severe lacerations, and death. Though newer cars are designed to handle impacts better, it does depend on how the vehicle is hit and severe accidents can still lead to serious or permanent injuries to the driver and any passengers.

Car accidents happen unexpectedly, so anyone can be in an accident. When one does happen, severe injuries can result, some of which may be permanent. If you’ve been in a car accident, speaking with a lawyer provides you the opportunity to receive compensation for the injuries sustained in the crash. Our law firm represents those who were injured in a car accident that was not their fault. Contact us now to learn more about how we can help you financially recover from the crash.

FAQs for Car Accidents in Los Angeles

Though car accidents do happen with an alarming frequency, many drivers will have questions about the accident and what to expect in the aftermath. Read below to learn more about the frequently asked questions about car accidents in Los Angeles.

What is the Most Common Injury for Car Accidents?

A variety of injuries are common after car accidents, including bruising, neck and back pain, and broken bones. Injuries can range from minor to severe or permanent, depending on the severity of the accident.

Can Severe Accidents Happen at Lower Speeds?

Speed does often impact the severity of car accidents, but vehicles that are stopped or going at a slow rate of speed can still end up in a serious accident depending on the circumstances. If the car is flipped when it’s pushed off the road, if the occupants aren’t wearing seatbelts, or there are other extenuating circumstances, even low-speed accidents can lead to serious injuries.

What is the Top Cause for Car Accidents Today?

The most common reason for car accidents to occur is distracted driving. Even if the driver’s attention is only away from the road for a second, an accident can happen.

What Can be Done to Avoid Accidents?

Driving cautiously and predictably can help reduce the potential for an accident. Drivers must pay attention at all times so they are prepared to handle anything that may change in the road ahead, as well as to deal with what other drivers are doing on the road. Not all accidents are unavoidable, but cautious driving can reduce the potential to be in an accident.

What Should I do After an Accident?

After an accident, call for emergency services, especially if there are severe injuries. Then, seek medical attention for any potential injuries. After this, it’s a good idea to speak with a lawyer about the case to learn more about receiving compensation if the accident was not your fault.

How Can a Lawyer Help After a Car Accident?

Insurance companies strive to pay out the lowest amount possible after a car accident. A lawyer can negotiate with the insurance company on behalf of the client, helping the client receive the highest amount of compensation possible for the accident. This can prevent the victim of the accident from having to pay anything out of pocket.

Do I Need to Hire a Lawyer?

It is a good idea to hire a lawyer if there were significant damages to the vehicles or you suffered severe injuries as a result of the accident. The lawyer will work hard to make sure medical bills and other expenses are covered by the liable driver or their insurance.

How Much is My Case Worth?

The answer to this varies as every accident claim is different. The settlement is typically determined by adding up all accident-related expenses but can include non-quantifiable damages, as well. It’s a good idea to speak with a lawyer to determine how much your case might be worth.

What Types of Compensation Can I Receive?

Compensation for car accidents typically includes funds to cover any accident-related expenses. These can include medical bills, future medical costs, vehicle repair or replacement costs, lost wages, loss of future income, and other expenses. Other types of compensation may be available depending on the severity of your injuries.

How Long Will it Take to Settle?

Most cases will settle within one to two years after the accident. In some cases, the settlement will be quick because there are no disputes over what happened. In other cases, there may be a dispute as to who was at fault or how the accident occurred, so it can take longer to settle.

Will My Case Go to Trial?

Very few car accident cases go to trial, but it does happen. A trial is more likely if there are any disputes about what happened or if the insurance company refuses to negotiate a settlement. A lawyer can discuss the potential for a case to go to trial and what that will mean if it happens.

Should I Talk to the Insurance Company?

It is not a good idea to talk to the other driver’s insurance company. It is all too easy to end up saying something that can be used to reduce the potential settlement offer or to deny it completely. Instead, it’s better to have a lawyer speak with the insurance company to answer any questions and start negotiating a higher settlement.

These questions and answers should help you understand the situation a little bit better. If you have been in a car accident, get in touch with our law firm and schedule a consultation. That way, we can answer any questions specific to your case and provide guidance on the next steps you should take.

Schedule a Free Consultation

California Personal Injury Attorneys ME Lawyers is an LA-based law firm that provides legal representation to Spanish-speaking and English-speaking citizens in a multilingual, collaborative environment to help those in need to understand the legal system, decode the jargon, and simplify the experience — without leaving you out of the conversation.
What we do for you

Lawyers Mission

ME Lawyers provide legal representation to international citizens in a multilingual, collaborative environment.

We help those in need of legal services understand the legal system, demystify the jargon and simplify the experience without leaving you out of the conversation. Our team knows security, safety, and enthusiastic support are important to you - and we’re passionate about working together to achieve the best results.

Nobody likes a sleazy attorney, especially during daunting legal disputes. At ME Lawyers, we understand you as a client, we’re regular people just like you, so there’s no disconnect. We clearly express our legal offering, simplifying the legal process to save you time and money.

Our goal is to provide you with an extraordinary experience and leave you awestruck. This is driven by our deep-seated passion for the industry and burning desire to achieve exceptional outcomes for you and our community. We accomplish this by providing you with an easygoing, premium experience where we walk you through the legal processes, beginning to end, so you can rest assured with peace of mind.

We understand the legal jargon, so you don’t have to. We give you clarity to complex situations by simplifying the lawyer lingo to ease your stress associated with complicated legal disputes. By the end of it, everyone will be on the same page.

What Our Clients say

Lawyers Cares About You and Your Case

One of the reasons we love what we do is helping clients get their lives back. Here's what a few we've helped recently had to say about us.

ME lawyers are the best! They were fast, efficient and thorough in my accident case. They communicated with me every step of the way, fought for me and got me the best settlement possible. Go ME lawyers!!!!!

Franklin R.

"Very professional and knowledgeable team. Handled my case and I was more than satisfied with my settlement. 10/10 would definitely recommend to anyone seeking legal help with efficient and great results."

Jerry Lopez

"I was lucky to escape from an accident unharmed involving another car. I was pleasantly surprised with how Mike and his team made it easy to understand the local laws and jargon. I appreciate the sincerity and energy they had while handling my case. They’ve definitely won over a loyal client if another accident were to happen."

Ryan Richardson

I got into an accident in a parking lot, the lady who hit me was rude and aggressive. I am only 17 so this was a very scary experience for me. She hit the back of my car but refused to give me her license and registration. For that reason I would not give her mine. She got angry and attacked me, stole my drivers license from my hand too. After this, I called Emrani lawyers. Michael was so kind and sympathetic to my case. Even though I am young, Michael treated me like an adult and took my accident seriously. Without him I wouldn't have been able to get compensated for my accident

Alex B.

Firm was very detailed, thorough and also efficient when it came to handling my case. Made me feel confident and reassured through the entire process. Very professional and would definitely recommend to anyone looking for a great firm to represent them.

Jerry L.

I was in Beverly Hills and I got into an accident. It was my first accident after moving to America and I called Emrani lawyers. I had back pain, neck and hip pain. I had to even get injections for the pain this accident caused me. Michael helped me through all of this. In regards to my case: the insurance company was unfair. We went to deposition and the lawyer on the other side was rude and disrespectful. Through all of this Michael was strong, assertive and came through with good results. I am thankful that I called Michael after my accident and he was able to get me the financial compensation I deserved for my pain and suffering that the accident put me through

Claudia L.
compassionate and competent

Lawyers is Ready to Help You.

Our services are for anyone. Whether you’re a cyclist, rideshare driver, commercial driver, motorcyclist or an everyday passenger and road user. We help anyone whose personal property has been damaged or anyone dealing with the loss of a loved one due to negligence. Our focus is on getting you results.  We always offer you:

bicycle accident injury

Multilingual Law Firm

Our team of multi-lingual professionals is passionate about supporting the Spanish-speaking community with accessible and understandable legal representation and work together to achieve the results our clients deserve. At ME Lawyers, you don’t have to worry about being misunderstood or left out of the conversation.

bicycle accident injury

No Hidden Costs

We don’t think legal representation should cost you the world. We let you know what our services will cost and why — we don’t get a cent unless you win. With ME Lawyers you can experience no upfront fees, no hidden costs, and no retainers. We’re here to help without the extraordinary fees because we believe in what we do.

bicycle accident injury

A Secure Environment

Unsure of exactly what you need? Reach out to arrange a no-obligation consultation with one of our multilingual consultants, and explore your legal options in a safe, secure, and trusted environment with our team. Zero cost, zero obligation.

about our law firm

Lawyers serves you with outstanding affordable service.

Our firm was born because I was fed up with law firms in LA not sincerely serving our citizens and community. We wish to rectify the title of lawyers whose reputation has been tainted with dishonesty painted by bad apple lawyers. How? By serving you and your community with outstanding service at an affordable rate.


ME Journey began in 2019. Our firm was born because I was fed up with law firms in LA not sincerely serving our citizens and community. We wish to rectify the title of lawyers whose reputation has been tainted with dishonesty painted by bad Apple lawyers. How? By serving you and your community with outstanding service at an affordable rate. Our firm serves as a safe haven where you can be comfortable talking about your case over a cup of coffee.


ME Lawyers provide legal representation to international citizens in a multilingual, collaborative environment. We help those in need of legal services understand the legal system, demystify the jargon and simplify the experience without leaving you out of the conversation. Our team knows security, safety, and enthusiastic support are important to you - and we’re passionate about working together to achieve the best results.


Hey! Mike here. ME Lawyers was founded by me, Michael Emrani (M.E. – makes sense now, right?) Coming from a family of immigrants, I saw firsthand that hard work and integrity are cornerstones of success. It's with this foundation I approach our clients and cases. Working among other lawyers and law firms, I knew I could provide a better experience and deliver on my promise of "no more crooked, corporate lawyers" who try to pinch every penny possible from your pocket.

ME Lawyers in Los Angeles

Contact ME Lawyers to Schedule a Free Case Consultation

A member of our legal team will contact you regarding your accident injury. Our attorneys can meet with you in our office or come to you if necessary.

Phone:  (213) 314-3031
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